14 October 2010

If home is where the heart is, then your real home's in your chest

I was talking to Sophie last night about various things, such as where we'd like to live. It got me thinking. On one hand, I've lived in "the country" most of my life. I love the trees and the vast fields of grass and patches of wildflowers. I love listening to the crickets and peeper frogs at night. It's hard to image living anywhere else.

On the other hand, every time I go to the city, I'm filled with wonderment. Everything is all hustle and bustle, constantly moving, never stopping, and so exciting. After living in the country most of my life, I love the thought of being able to walk, or bike everywhere I need to go. They'red be no more twenty minute car rides just to get downtown.

If only there was a way to fit a beautiful countryside right in next to a big city.

I could buy a portion of Central Park! The entirety of Manhattan was purchased for ten dollars! I'm sure it'd be super cheap! [/sarcasm]

2 Ramblings:

Sophie said...

I love this quote- "Home is where they understand you."

Isaac said...

You could just instigate a hostile takeover, like how Hong Kong became an independent city for a bit...I'm sure there are enough homeless people to take over central park...