19 September 2010

Worry Wastes Wisdom

A phrase favored by my father.

The Future

I was talking with my dad the other day. I was expressing my lack of foresight to the future. I have almost no clue what I want to go to college for, or do with my life. I told him I was worrying. He told me that I didn't need to make any huge decisions now. He said all I needed to do was to pick a general area. Easier said than done! I can't even figure that out! I'm sitting here scratching my head when people like Isaac have known what they want to do since they were my age. How can I not worry!?


Money is the most annoying necessity more often than not. I'm worrying in the short term, long term and the longer term, about money. I want to buy everyone Chritsmas gifts; pretty easy. I want to go to Italy; harder. I want to go to college; red effin' alert! How does anyone deal with their lives when they're buried under the notion of gaining money, saving money, spending money, losing money winning money, depositing money, withdrawing money, eating money, shitting money, money, money, money!


I'm getting tips left and right about how to go about making a move on Lavender (Isaac told me to switch from Scarlet to match his blog? I don't even know.) Do this now, wait for that, flirt now, not then, talk then, not now. It's all just too much. I do not know how to handle any of it because I have no experience. And now, I feel like I may have been leading on a friend of mine. Well, not exactly "leading on" because she knows about Lavender. But still, there's just too much to worry about in the game of "love."

There's too much to worry about in life. I'm wasting too much wisdom in the process. I just need to take a load off. But I don't think I have the time...

5 Ramblings:

Sophie said...

you have sooooo much time before you have to plan out your future. liberal arts colleges have pretty good resources in most topics, so you can try out everything. when you love doing something, you'll know. or maybe youre doing something you love now but dont quite realize it. And if this lavendar girl you talk about is who i think it is, rest assured shes trying too but doesnt exactly know how to go about things either :)

Dr. Capt. Stownwhal Jaxson said...

Hey fellow blogger,

I found you by searching for profiles of people who said Inglorious Basterds was one of their favorite movies. You were one of the first
ten people I could find in the search mode thing who said that, lived in the US, and frankly looked interesting. I'm going to tell you straight up, I don't think Inglorious Basterds is a good movie at all and I recently wrote a post about it on my blog comparing it to
another war movie. I'd really like to hear what you think of that post and/or why you think Inglorious Basterds is a good movie. I welcome
all comments, I do not have comment moderation turned on so you can say whatever and it won't get deleted or you could just email me back.
Be honest and don't censor yourself at all.

The blog is:


The post is:


Really look forward to hearing from you,

Audie Dayton/Dr.Capt.Stownwhal Jaxson

PS. How does anyone live their lives buried under the money process? Barely. That's the answer. Barely in their entire lives for some. Unless you can get past that by accepting an austere existence. That's a huge personal step though.

Strawberry said...

There's a girl I nicknamed Lavendar who I hate with an almost unbelievable passion. But I guess that doesn't really help you?

Kate said...

Girls don't like it when guys play games. Seriously. Take it from a girl: just be yourself, but don't be obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

Good evening

Thanks for sharing, I have digged this post