09 July 2010

What comes before Part B?


I had a part this Thursday. Won of my famous/infamous Barn parties, held in the upstairs portion of my barn. It was a general success other than the heat that could cause old dry barns to spontaneously combust.* I coud have picked a better day, had I not planned the party so far in advanced but alas, I had not. People seemed to have a good time anyway. I did. We watched Wall-E and SLC Punk, which is a fantastic movie, I discovered. It's a philosophical movie, following the life of a 20 year old punk in Salt Lake City. It explores the concepts behind being a punk, anarchy, how people are defined, and how social groups coexists (or how they don't). A wonderful movie if you can stand excessive swearing.

A friend of mine - we can call her Blue (I decided to name all of the people that will remain secret people, after colors. This is the first one). Blue's mom has some anger issues as of late, and has been taking it out on her daughter. Blue's mom is also awful at navigating country roads in the dark. She get's fed up, calls Blue, and tells her to find her own way home. Can you imagine a mother doing that? Luckily, I'm the second nicest guy you'll ever meet. The first being Isaac of course. I clean up my chicken coop of a room as much as I can, and give Blue my bed. Mike (who was sleeping over already) and I, sleep in a tent outside (we were going to anyway.) In the morning, we find that Mike's parents can drive Blue home when they go to work. Everyone's happy and getting what they want. Blue's mother calls. Furious that she didn't call her back, an that she didn't come home. It's baffling. It made me realize how lucky I am to have a loving mother who's actually (for the most part) rational.
*not really

1 Ramblings:

Isaac said...

Your mom is one of the coolest adults I know...just saying...

Blue's mom needs some prozac, geez...
Although you were quite the gentleman to let her use your bed...almost makes you seem nicer than me, huh? :D

Too bad the barn really didn't...then we could have said the party was on fire...