20 June 2010

This summer

After this Tuesday, Summer will officially be here for me. Tomorrow, I have a review class for Spanish at noon. I'll get to drive to school, and Senorita is ordering Pizza.

Tuesday, I'll have the Spanish 3 exam that I've barely studied for. After that: Summer.

I've generally decided what I want to do this summer, so here's the list.

1) Finalize my decision on Buddhim
I'll finish the book I bought and, if necessary pick up more books. And decide

2) Paint
I was actually a pretty good painter in Studio Art last year, and I really want to pick it up. I'll be buying some canvas and paints and just going at it.

3) Costa Rica
I'll be going with my mother's school. I tried to get my friends to go with me, but no one can. I'll be forced to hang out with my bore of a brother. bleh

I have so many books lined up to read. The Ghost King, The Cleric Quintet, The Tale Of Despereaux, Vantage point, 1984 and so on

5) Build new structures in Lewisiana

6) Caffe Lena
Every weekend. Every day

7) Ride my bicycle
Wuv my bike. wuv to ride it

8) Pasa tiempo con todos mis amigos

9) Work on Poetry

10) Live

There it is. Only ten things, but good things. Happy Father's day

4 Ramblings:

Anonymous said...

Your a poet? I love to read what you write. Happy father's day.


Lewis Goose said...

I'm a lazy poet. I barely ever write :P

Isaac said...

I wish I was going to Chile with youuuuuuu

Lewis Goose said...

You mean Costa Rica...