25 June 2010


Such an annoying thing. And so scarce. There's always ten things I want to buy, and ten reasons I can't right now. I found a couple really cool swords online, I want to purchase. I know that it's kind of nerdy, but... I don't really have a rebuttal for that. It's just nerdy. There's a new game I want, and always tons of manga. I was planning out the order for getting all of these things for this summer when I remembered one crucial thing. I'm going to Costa Rica. I have to save up money if I'm going to be getting ANYTHING there. So no buying things until after July 21st! Nothing. Nada. Zip. Blammo. Goose egg. Zero. Blank. [Insert synonym for nothing here.]

Hopefully I'll be able to do it. The conversion rate from The U.S. to Costa Rica is 1 to 520.7, which isn't as good as it sounds. I'm actually not sure how to interpret it...

Here's the start of Lewis' bloggy piggy bank! I'm starting out this saving spree with:
14 smackaroos! (Add "Smackaroos" to dictionary) I'm rich, I know. Don't tell anyone. I'm just trying to lead a normal life. [/Sarcasm] Lena's tonight, that'll add on a few bucks.

No Lena's tomorrow. I'm going to some kid's birthday party. Incidentally. This kid, named ISAAC is going to DIE because I DON"T FORGET, ISAAC. DO YOU HEAR ME!?

0 Ramblings: