14 August 2010

Rambunctious Teenagers sounds like a good punk band name

I would like to apologize for the utter lack of posting. My life hasn't been very interesting lately.

At Lena's on Friday, there was an amazing band. The Chandler Travis Philharmonic played. I went back stage to deliver some drinks, to find a bunch of them huddled around a box of props. I then proceeded to hand lemonade to a guy with no pants on. I could tell this would be an interesting show.

After we were all done working, we sat to watch the show, which was AMAZING. The vocal harmonization was beautiful, and the tunes were just lovely. A few times, most of the band left the stage, and stood around the audience, still playing in unison. It was a great experience. Although, apparently I wasn't very well behaved.

Earlier this month, Sarah (my boss) had expressed her displeasure in the kitchen being filled with teenagers. She says we've all been acting just a little too loud and rambunctious of late. As it turns out, my friend and I are catalysts to loud rambunctious teenagers. I guess a whole bunch of little things that night added up to something very wrong. And I'm pretty sure it's the worst thing I've done at Lena's. Sarah asked me to take Saturday off, and come back on Sunday, calm and in a mode ready for work.

I attribute my behavior in retrospect to the summer. I haven't been doing much of anything, and I suppose I've built up a lot of energy. I just released it in the wrong place, I suppose. I really do feel ashamed, however. Lena's is a big part of my life now, and I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize that. Tomorrow, and next weekend, I will be extremely "no nonsense" until I can make sure I know how to not be an annoying teenager. I love a good challenge.

3 Ramblings:

Isaac said...

Excuse me, but I am perfectly well behaved and reticent around John, Elior, Sophie, or the plethora of oldies who work at Lena. I'm sarcastically blaming you for being the true calalyst :P

Oh, and Joan ended up cancelling as well, so she only had one person signed up for tonight...

Sophie said...

When it's you, me, Isaac, and Elior, it will be a party.

Isaac said...

Either that or a calamity. Or maybe an Orgy, but now I'm just getting hopeful...