01 July 2010


I have nothing to blog about!

I'm going to Port Henry tomorrow with Isaac. Apparently it's some family/friends reunion/get together, I don't even know. It's a thing and a place with people I like to be around. That's all I know about it.

Isaac also offered me his wonderful Toshiba laptop for only 150 bucks. I'll have to save up all summer for that, and HOPEFULLY get a job. But I really do need a new laptop. This Acer craptop has too many problems. Plus, I own about four games that don't fully work on my current computer.

I also discovered that the race track doesn't open until after I come back from Costa Rica! It's perfect timing! With any luck, I can apply there before heading below the Equator, spend money below the equator, and then make enough money at the track to buy Isaac's Toshiba!

The key phrase is: with any luck. I have none of this. I'm still trying to figure out how to apply, or if I still can.

I also want to work at a used book store downtown called Lyrical Ballad. It's a really wonderful place with very nice folks working there. One of my frequent shopping locations for books.

4 Ramblings:

Sophie said...

that's something to blog about!

Lewis Goose said...

True. But then I realized I DID have something to blog about!

grey angel said...

Lyrical Ballad rules.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get the job.
